Welcome to my blog! I hope to be a resource to help you in your walk with God. Now more than ever we need to get back to the basic fundamentals of moral living and take a stand for what is right and truthful with God as our ultimate authority. His Word is reliable and preserved and can be trusted, so that is the basis for my advice and teaching. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or topics you would like me to cover. I look forward to sharing what God has placed on my heart. See my website at https://www.lovinggodministry.com/ for books and music I have written that will enrich your life!

Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." Let's stand in the gap together!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

If Having a Hard Time Deciding on a Candidate...

My friend George Zeller wrote the following, and encouraged me to share it. I thought this was great advice! I hope this will be a help to you when considering how to vote this November. Pray about it, and use good judgment and critical thinking to make your best choice not only for your family, but for this nation, which affects the world. No pressure!

45 Questions Concerning the Coming Election


Both sides believe this is a critical election. One side says that if we lose the election, we will lose our democracy and a Hitler-like person will be in power; the other side says that if we lose the election, we will lose our country and we will become a socialist or communist country. This election is critical for our world also. Wars are breaking out in many places. The doomsday clock has never been so close to midnight (midnight representing a global catastrophe such as nuclear war). According to this clock, we are just at the verge of our world self destructing. Many are saying we are close to World War III. We need a President who will do well on the world stage.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doomsday_Clock

In this election cycle, there are candidates who refuse to talk about the issues, refuse to talk about policy, refuse to talk about what they would do if elected. They refuse to answer hard questions. They refuse to hold press conferences, etc. Yet we urgently need to know the policy position of those who will be our leaders.

It’s important to think about the issues, so consider the following questions:

Are you better off now than you were four years ago (this question was asked at the last debate, but was not answered).

Are you financially better off now than you were four years ago?
Is the country better off now than it was four years ago?
Is the world situation better off now than it was four years ago?
Are the Middle East, Ukraine and Taiwan better off than they were four years ago? Is the world more at peace today than it was four years ago?

And now some “Do you like” questions:

Do you like millions of illegal immigrants flooding into our country through open borders (especially our southern borders)?

Do you like a border policy that enriches the Mexican cartels as people are being trafficked across the border, often at great cost?

Do you like the illegal drugs, especially Fentanyl, that are coming over the border and killing over a quarter of a million people since 2018? [Apparently Fentanyl is made in China and comes through the Mexican border.]

Do you like the fact that terrorists are able to easily enter the country through its open borders?

Do you like the idea of illegal immigrants or prisoners having sex-change operations funded by U.S. taxpayers?

Do you like having no border wall? [Note: The Democratic National Convention had a “wall” or barrier which would not allow anyone to enter who did not have proper credentials.]

Do you like certain communities, such as Springfield, Ohio, being overrun by thousands of immigrants?

Do you:

like the cost of gas the past several years?
like the rise in inflation the past few years and what it costs to buy a home?
like what you are now paying for groceries (eggs, meat, etc.)?
like what fast food restaurants and other restaurants are now charging for a meal? like the massive credit card debt that so many Americans now have?
like a government that grows bigger and bigger and spends more and more of your money?

Do you like the fact that the national debt is out of control and that this will have serious repercussions for future generations?

Do you like the fact that we are no longer energy independent and we must obtain oil from countries that hate us?

Do you like the idea of increasing the number of Supreme Court justices?
Do you like being told by the government that by a certain year everyone must have electric cars? Do you like being told what kind of straws to use, what kind of stove you should own, etc.?
Do you like the fact that the Keystone pipeline was cancelled?
Do you like the fact that people in many places can vote without showing a proper ID?
Do you like having non-citizens vote in U.S. elections?
Do you like early voting? (Voting weeks before election day)
Do you like our present system of voting and deem it to be free and fair?

Do you like having people in the media and in government who hid the fact that the President of the United States was losing his mental faculties due to some form of dementia and who claimed that he was on the top of his game when they certainly knew otherwise?

Do you like the fact that a person can be the chosen candidate for President without receiving even one primary vote?

Do you like the way the United States withdrew from Afghanistan?

Do you like the fact that we left billions of dollars of military equipment in Afghanistan for our enemies to either use or sell?

Do you like the growing tide of antisemitism taking place in our country?

Do you like the fact that in a Presidential debate one candidate was fact-checked repeatedly and the other candidate was not fact-checked at all?

Do you like the fact that one Presidential candidate refuses to hold press conferences, agrees only to friendly interviews, and refuses to take part in a debate hosted by a conservative network while the other candidate was willing to debate on a network that was very hostile to him?

Do you like the fact that people in the government and in the media lied to the American people by claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop was not really his laptop, but was Russian disinformation?

Do you like the fact that the FBI knew that the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden but refused to counter the lie that it was Russian disinformation?

Do you like a baby to be aborted at any point during a woman’s pregnancy, even in the late stages or even after birth?

Do you like having a national law allowing for abortion rather than having the individual states decide how to handle this?

Do you like the idea of biological men competing against biological women in sports?

Do you like the idea of taking a child who may be confused about his or her gender, and then mutilating this child (removing sex organs, etc.), even without the permission of his or her parents?

Do you like the idea of getting rid of private health insurance and having your health care totally run by the government?

Do you like this statement: So, there’s a big difference between equality and equity. Equality suggests, “Oh, everyone should get the same amount.” The problem with that: Not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So, if we’re all getting the same amount, but you started out back there and I started out over here, we could get the same amount, but you’re still going to be that far back behind me. It’s about giving people the resources and the support they need so that everyone can be on equal footing, and then compete on equal footing. Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.

Do you like the idea of the government canceling student loans?


If you answered NO to the “Are you better today?” questions, you should vote Republican. If you answered YES to the “Are you better today?” questions, you should vote Democratic. If you answered YES to most of the other questions, you should vote Democratic.
If you answered NO to most of the other questions, you should vote Republican.

If you had mixed responses, then you will have a difficult decision to make. Remember, we do not have two perfect candidates. Both are flawed in many ways. But we need to choose based on who will do what is best for our country.

But either way, be sure to vote!

********* If you found these questions helpful, pass them along to others.

George Zeller Sept. 24, 2024
