Welcome to my blog! I hope to be a resource to help you in your walk with God. Now more than ever we need to get back to the basic fundamentals of moral living and take a stand for what is right and truthful with God as our ultimate authority. His Word is reliable and preserved and can be trusted, so that is the basis for my advice and teaching. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or topics you would like me to cover. I look forward to sharing what God has placed on my heart. See my website at https://www.lovinggodministry.com/ for books and music I have written that will enrich your life!

Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." Let's stand in the gap together!

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Problem with the Snowflake Generation

I watched a short video today that someone sent to me.  It is a little survey of college students and their reactions to the question of gender neutrality.  It's only a little over 4 minutes (4:13).  It shows how this next generation cannot admit the obvious.  They're so mixed up and cannot recognize reality when they see it.  These college students did not feel empowered to tell an obviously short white guy that he's not a tall Chinese woman.  They were so afraid of being politically incorrect that they accepted lies as truth.  They didn't want to tell a grown, mentally sound man that if he claimed to be 7 years old, he should not be a student in a first grade classroom.  The question was raised that if they cannot answer the easy, obvious answers, how are they going to deal with the really difficult decisions and questions in life?  "If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything."  http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/434158/watch-college-kids-cant-explain-why-short-white-man-isnt-tall-asian-woman

People are so afraid to correct someone else.  I think that's the key problem here.  People are so afraid of being judged that they do not want to judge others, even when it is so obvious.  What's the harm of teaching and instructing and correcting?  Why do they go to college if they don't want to be instructed on how to do something the right way, and avoid the wrong way?  Why do they think it's smart to claim all truth is relative? 

If I said I believe I can fly, would you allow me to jump off the bridge?  I wonder what their responses would be to that?  "If you feel you can fly, then go ahead.  Who am I to judge you, or say your altered sense of reality is wrong?"  Well, I could be hurt.  Would they tell me the truth to avoid my demise and death?  Or would they be too afraid to offend me?  Which is worse, being offended or dying?  You can lovingly guide your friends and prevent them from making mistakes, and you can do that to strangers, too.  I have flashed my lights at an oncoming car who has forgotten to put his headlights on.  I didn't worry that he might feel embarrassed.  I wanted to prevent him from getting into an accident.

Are people hurt by more than just physical means?  Yes, we know that is affirmative.  Not directing someone emotionally is just as harmful.  My grandmother told me once that my clothes didn't match.  I was a teenager, and was very offended and embarrassed that she said that to me (in my own home; this was not in front of any of my friends).  I yelled at her and ran into my room.  She hurt my ego.  I changed my clothes.  I remembered for the rest of my life a principle of color matching.  I was glad.  And trust me, I was not damaged for life!  I appreciate that my grandmother cared enough about me to teach me, and to still love me even though I acted like a 2 yr. old.  She used to say, "If your family can't tell you, who can?"

If a student makes a grammar or math mistake, will they say it's just self expression?  When they get a 45 on a test, will they argue that grades don't matter, and that you can't possible close someone into such tight standards?  

Getting back to those college students, I believe they are trying to avoid conflict or confrontation, and justify this cowardice by saying they are being sensitive.  They avoid conflict at all costs, and in doing so, they can't handle conflict that is brought upon themselves, and they totally freak out!  The result of this Snowflake generation was clearly seen with the responses to the Presidential election.  They needed pet therapy, needed to stroke and squeeze play-doh, have time off, be excused for exams, have hot cocoa, etc. in order to comfort themselves.  There are people who have worn safety pins to distinguish them as people who are safe, who won't hurt you on this conversation of the election.  There are those who don't cry when they don't get their way, but rather get angry.  In the false name of "protesting" they are rioting, looting, shooting and harming others, including law enforcement.

Conflict and correction is good for us.  The Bible does this.  Humility of spirit helps us to grow into maturity.  Pride is the destroyer of our souls.  This next generation's rejection of truth, God, and the Bible has this natural consequence of rebellion.  1 Samuel 15:23: " For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. "

2 Timothy 2:15: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."  
Hebrews 4:12: "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."  
2 Timothy 3:16-17: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and isprofitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."

I want to learn and grow.  It does hurt and I sometimes feel embarrassed when I do wrong or make a mistake.  But I sure am glad afterwards that I learned that, and plan to never make that same mistake again.  That embarrassment helps me to remember the consequence of that error.  Yes, I'm thankful for mercy and kindness and grace, and those things are important and is why God told us to speak the truth in love.  There is a nice way to say things.  Sometimes questioning someone who is clearly off track can help to find a teaching moment that will not hurt as much, as we can show understanding rather than ridicule. Then lovingly bring them into truth.  You'll be their hero, not their enemy.


  1. I learn new information from your blog, you are doing a great job. Keep it up.

    1. Thank you so much! Just seeing this now, sorry for the late reply. I hope to get back to writing more often!
