Be a Generation of Young People who Stand for What's Right. TAKE THE HIGHER ROAD!
Welcome to my blog! I hope to be a resource to help you in your walk with God. Now more than ever we need to get back to the basic fundamentals of moral living and take a stand for what is right and truthful with God as our ultimate authority. His Word is reliable and preserved and can be trusted, so that is the basis for my advice and teaching. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or topics you would like me to cover. I look forward to sharing what God has placed on my heart. See my website at for books and music I have written that will enrich your life!
Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." Let's stand in the gap together!
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Sold Out! for God, Family & Country music samples now available!
Sold Out! for God, Family & Country music samples Click on "Music" for the samples. There are 3 samples, but the album has 16 songs on it total. Click on "Media" for the music video.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
There's Nothing Like Going to Church

Friday, October 16, 2015
The Best Grapes
One thing that caught my attention was that she knew some people from California who knew wines really well. Now, I'm not advocating drinking wine, but it was interesting to hear that there were some things about grapes in the vineyard that made better wine. The fruit of the vine is actually enhanced under certain conditions. Grapes made better wine when they sustained a flood or a drought. In other words, they had better flavor if they were deprived of water or were given too much. Those trials changed the taste of the grapes into something even better.
It was also interesting to note that the roots of grape vines can do down very deep, even to the point that they do not require watering at all to make a successful crop because the roots go so deep they can get water from under the ground.
This makes perfect sense when we think about Scripture, and what Jesus said about Himself being the vine and we are the branches.
John 15:4-5: "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing."
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Do you have your death insurance?
I had a dream last night that I was at a sort of bed and breakfast, and suddenly a lightning storm hit and caught on fire the tree in the front yard. It quickly turned into a house fire, and there was no time for the firemen to get everyone out, so I ran upstairs and woke everyone up and got them out safely. I had to check the attic and every nook and cranny quickly before the fire swallowed me up, but I didn't want to leave anyone behind. We all made it out safely before the entire structure buckled up and burnt to the ground.
I woke up with the burden on my heart to post this. Last night before I went to bed I watched an interview with Donald Trump, and I was disturbed by a lot of the world events going on. While we don't know the day or the hour of the Lord's return, and most of us do not know the day or the hour that we will die, it's vitally important that we know where we are going when that day does arrive. Matthew 24:36: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." 1 Thessalonians 5:2: "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night."
We are to watch for the signs, and they are upon us. Please don't hesitate! This is how to sign your name on the dotted line of the best investment you have ever made: salvation in Jesus Christ.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Sold Out! for God, Family & Country now available!
The third song on the album called, "Something We All Have in Common" was one of the songs I had the privilege of singing in front of our state capitol of Connecticut at the Bushnell Park on September 12, 2015 at the Gospel Festival, with mics loud enough to be heard on the area streets. We all look for unity - well, something we all have in common is presented in this song.
One song called, "Praise Be To God" I wrote when we were in financial strains. I wanted a song that would be good to sing when going through hard times, to remember to honor and glorify God when things are going well...and when things aren't. Praise be to God just the same.
"You Be The One" has somewhat of a sports theme, cheering you on to not wait for someone else to do great things that need to be done, but for you to go ahead and just do it! Honor God with your life, no matter what others are doing. Just be the one that God can count on. He wants to use us, so let's be there, be available for His service - the best team you could ever be on! Go, go go!
There is also a song based on an outline by George Zeller from Middletown Bible Church that shows how absurd it is to doubt God's Word, especially as it relates to eternal security. There is a lot of doctrine packed into that little song!
The song, "My Lord and My God" has a beautiful penny flute that was recorded in Nashville - gives it a Celtic feel. It's one of my favorites, especially because it gets down to the heart of everything - our belief in the existence of God.
There are some fun sounding banjos in some of the songs, too. I wrote a song based on a funny expression by friend Stephanie used to say when we were teens, and while it's a kind of joke, there is some good truth in it about not taking ourselves too seriously. God's not done working on us yet! Keep trying to do right, but don't get discouraged when people are mean hearted toward you.
There is a song about the prodigal son that focuses on forgiveness. There is also a song called, "Super Hero Syndrome" that empathizes with those who dedicate their lives for service to others. The first verse reflects my own experience of when I worked evenings as a nurse in the ICU.
The last song on the album is called, "This is Why I Love Him", and is an absolutely beautiful song worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ, who loved us before we ever loved Him. I remember being on the plane coming home from Oklahoma, where I recorded this album, and looking at the beautiful sky and white, puffy clouds, and listening to the accompaniment to this song. So beautiful.
My patriotic song is a favorite of mine: "A Country Without a Man." You've heard of a man without a country, right? Well, this song talks about how awful it would be for America to stand alone without men and women, boys and girls who are brave enough to stand for what is right, to "do America proud", to be patriotic and true to the red, white and blue and all she stands for. This song is the one I chose for my music video, which was done in front of the Oklahoma State Capitol. Click here to see my music video: A Country Without a Man music video
The release date for my album is December 1, 2015! Then it will be available through national distribution, and some international markets.
This is the link to my electronic press kit, where you can learn more about the album, and purchase a copy if you wish. There will be sample songs, a few photos, and the video linked on this as well; should be complete next week. I just couldn't wait to get started sharing the good news about my album! This is my favorite one so far, and brings in a lot of truths through song.Sold Out! for God, Family & Country electronic press kit
This is a direct link to Tate Music Group's online store. Tate Music Group online store for buying Sold Out! for God, Family & Country
You can also order through my website:
Monday, October 5, 2015
The holiness of God - #6 of 6
Sunday, October 4, 2015
The holiness of God - #5 of 6
Joni Earickson Tada and Burt Kettinger - a wonderful evening!!!
I hope you enjoy the pictures!
This is the website for Burt Kettinger:
This is the website for Joni Earickson Tada: Joni and Friends Radio Program
That table that was next to me were Joni's books that she was giving away.
This was Burt Kettinger's table (right across from mine) of CD's he was selling.
This was my table, which contained info about our church and Christian school, as well as books and CD's I've written.
My pastor's wife Nancy Atkinson and I, with our usual goofy selfies!
One of our favorite families, the Bennetts, were also in attendance, with some of their CD's, and also info for Hope Pregnancy Center.
A look down the hall at some of the ministry tables.
My best friend Nancy Atkinson! We had a fun evening together!
She was talking with her hands, not getting ready to choke this lovely lady! LOL!
Notice the chimes - these were really cool for people to try them. It represented our school's (and church's) chimes choirs.
The Bennett's table.
It was a great crowd! We had a wonderful dinner, and was fun getting to know some new people, and run into some old friends as well!
Burt Kettinger sang some beautiful songs that comforted my soul and drew me closer to the Lord.
Joni Earickson Tada - she made me laugh, made me cry, and warmed my heart.
In two weeks it is her birthday, so many people brought her a birthday card. I also put in there with my card my Beauty in Pain album; I hope it will be a blessing to her.
She was gracious enough to pose for many pictures. That's her husband Ken next to her. He was so good with her, as she has some physical needs at times when she's speaking, such as help getting into a position so she can cough/clear her throat adequately. She said such a wonderful thing: "Humiliation is the quickest path to humility. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble!" (James 4:6) Aren't you glad?