Be a Generation of Young People who Stand for What's Right. TAKE THE HIGHER ROAD!
Welcome to my blog! I hope to be a resource to help you in your walk with God. Now more than ever we need to get back to the basic fundamentals of moral living and take a stand for what is right and truthful with God as our ultimate authority. His Word is reliable and preserved and can be trusted, so that is the basis for my advice and teaching. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or topics you would like me to cover. I look forward to sharing what God has placed on my heart. See my website at for books and music I have written that will enrich your life!
Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." Let's stand in the gap together!
Saturday, January 23, 2016
"A Time for Choosing" by Ronald Reagan
This is a masterful speech, gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes at his conclusion. It's a must-see. Unlike many presidential speeches we hear today, this has facts, not fluff, and has much inspiration. What were tiny seeds back then are giant trees now - but it's not too late, there is hope if we band together and turn to God for wisdom and guidance, and base our decisions on the principles that were established by our forefathers. He says there is no "left" or "right", only up and down. We as Americans, regardless of our political party, should band together united under God for greatness once again, with courage and determination to stand up for a moral nation, one that does not run or hide, but will die on its feet before it will live on its knees in submission to any other nation.
A New Hymnal

Leaders of the American Evangelical Laodicean Church last week announced the publication of a new hymnal. “This collection of hymns really captures the essence of our tradition,” said Presiding Bishop Luke W. Armm. “People in today’s society get uncomfortable with too much talk about commitment and dedication,” he continued, “they would rather have a religion they can turn on or off at will.”
Here is a listing of some of the selections found in this hymnal: “A Comfy Mattress is Our God” “I Surrender Some” “Blest be the Tie That Doesn’t Cramp My Style” “Just As I Am With Lots of Excuses” “My Hope is Built on Nothing Much” “O For a Couple of Tongues to Sing” “Onward Christian Reservists” “Self-Esteem to the World! The Lord is Come” “Spirit of God, Descend Upon Their Hearts” “Take My Life and Let Me Be” “There Shall be Sprinkles of Blessing” “When Peace Like a Trickle” “When the Saints Go Sneaking In” “Where He Leads Me, I will Consider Following” “Above Average is Thy Faithfulness” “Be Thou My Hobby” “I’m Fairly Certain That My Redeemer Lives” “Pillow of Ages, Fluffed for Me” and many more. For Heaven’s evaluation of this new hymnal, see Revelation 3:14-22.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
In God we STILL trust!
This is an awesome song: Here in America in God we STILL trust! According to this link, this song was banned from the radio because it's "politically incorrect" - sounds like common sense truth to me when I listen to the words, an accurate picture of our situation. If you like this song, pass it on. There are 1.5 million shares already. I think that the radio stations should put this on! Psalm 33:12: "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."
Monday, January 18, 2016
Why Am I A Writer? (with lots of FREE samples of songs to listen to!)

These books are written from my heart to yours.
Important, relevant information and practical skills are taught in these books in a warm, loving way in a non-judgmental tone.
You will come away from these books with revival in your heart, with a new perspective that will cause you to want to please the Lord, not because anyone is forcing you to, but because you love Him so much.

Thursday, January 14, 2016
Cherishing the Lord's Day
Joop Will was only 10 years old when his father, Peter, was seized by the Nazis for being a member of the Dutch resistance. Will never saw his father again after the December 1943 arrest, but thanks to a new online Holocaust-era archive, the 82-year old has finally received his father’s last letter (72 years later), written to his wife and six sons as he prepared to be deported to a concentration camp in Germany. He wrote, “I’ve now been away from you at home for the 42nd Sunday,” the father wrote, counting time by the days of worship missed with his family. The son commented, “He didn’t talk about days or weeks, he talked about Sundays—he was a man of deep belief.” [From The Hartford Courant, Dec. 6, 2015] There was a time, would that it were now, when the Lord’s Day was highly valued, and when Sunday was a special day to worship with family, so much so that this dear man counted time by the Sundays he missed with his family. How much do we esteem and cherish the Lord’s day, the assembling together of the saints to do business with our great God? (Heb. 10:24-25)
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Choosing Music Wisely book - release date coming up!

Choosing Music Wisely
Revolutionizing Christian Music in the 21st Century
by Dawn Foss
How does the God-fearing Christian approach music choices, not just in church, but for entertainment? This book outlines musical concepts and balance so that people can find music they enjoy but that is pleasing to God. It's a life-changing journey, and appeals also to performers and writers to create godly music choices. This topic is a hot one, one that addresses the root of the problem with music choices: Christian liberty vs. holiness. This is a powerful book that will give you tangible guidelines and principles to choose music wisely and enjoy this wonderful gift from God!
194 pages - $12.99 (paperback) ($10.99 digital download)
Buy Choosing Music Wisely book
My book will be released to national distribution February 2, 2016, but it is available now for purchase through Tate Publishing. May God bring revival to your heart in 2016, as you share your love for the Lord through godly music choices!
Friday, January 8, 2016
Clicking Through Life
Basically, the main character stumbles upon a remote control that actually affects his life. He can fast forward over the bad things in life, such as arguments with his wife, being sick, etc., and can mute the dog when he's barking, and pretty much control the many things in life he considers an annoyance or bother. Well, that would be all well and good except the remote learned his personal preferences, so automatically fast forwarded the same types of things in the future. This caused him to lose years off his life, for instance when he had cancer for a few years and the remote had it programmed to fast forward when he's sick. Yes, he missed out on the pain and suffering from the cancer, but he missed a few years of watching his children grow up.
It made me realize that life is a journey, and while there are some unpleasant things along the way, it is better to endure those than to miss out on all the blessings that occur as well.
Someone once told me she attempted to take her life because she missed someone she loved who died so much that she couldn't bear the pain anymore. Then she realized that it was selfish, and had she been successful in taking her own life, she would have cascaded that pain to the many who knew her and would now have to face the loss of that loved one plus her.
Rather than escape your pain and sorrows and suffering in 2016, why not face your fears and anxieties, and hold God's hand through it. "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you", 1 Peter 5:7. Again, in Psalm 37:5: "Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." Philippians 4:6: "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."
If there are some skills you can acquire to alleviate some of your insecurities, then why not learn those. Face that fear and conquer it! If it's doing a procedure, or driving in bad weather, or finding a job, whatever it may be, face it head on and stomp out that crippling fear. If you are dreading something that is coming up, perhaps plan some things ahead of time so you will feel organized and prepared, and perhaps the transition will be smoother. Maybe you have some bad habits or need to lose weight. Take small steps in the right direction, steps that are not too overwhelming, and it will encourage you to keep going and eventually you will step over the victory line of success!
Anxious about anything? Bring it before the Lord, and change your perspective. Yes, you are in some rough waters ahead. So grab a life jacket and enjoy the beauty of the water and the sky and your time with friends and loved ones. There are blessings mixed in with your pain...just open your eyes and find those gems.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Happy New Year!
There is much trouble in the world, but Jesus truly brought us peace. Not the kind of peace that man expected, such as freedom from war between nations, but rather the kind of peace that resolves the war between God and man. That's the kind of peace He promised and DELIVERED! Share the good news! I'm making that part of my new year's resolutions as well.
I've been teaching my Sunday school kids about the life of the Apostle Paul. I am inspired by him. He held nothing back, did not let enemies or terror keep him from spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Why? I think about that, and what motivated him to risk all for the Gospel's sake. Here's why: it was the truth, and man needed to hear it. He found it himself, and could not help but share it because it was man's hope. It is truly good news. There has always been and will always be a majority who do not want to hear it, but always a minority who will hear it and accept it. How can we cower and be bullied into silence when there are those who will hear and accept Jesus' gift of eternal life? Hallelujah! He is risen, He brings salvation to those who will accept it. Let 2016 be your living water year, the year you accept His living water, and then pass it forward!