Be a Generation of Young People who Stand for What's Right. TAKE THE HIGHER ROAD!
Welcome to my blog! I hope to be a resource to help you in your walk with God. Now more than ever we need to get back to the basic fundamentals of moral living and take a stand for what is right and truthful with God as our ultimate authority. His Word is reliable and preserved and can be trusted, so that is the basis for my advice and teaching. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or topics you would like me to cover. I look forward to sharing what God has placed on my heart. See my website at for books and music I have written that will enrich your life!
Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." Let's stand in the gap together!
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen to Good People?
Monday, August 29, 2016
How Should We Treat Pets When They're Dying?
My cat Mandy was dying, but we did our best to make her last days the best they could be. It is a beautiful thing to care for humans, as I do as a nurse, but also to care for animals, living creatures that are also very precious.
Mandy had been with us for almost 11 years, since she was a kitten. She just turned 11 on 6/25. I'm thankful for the time we had with her; she was so sweet! Trying to make her food easier to eat, giving her lots of love, whatever we could do to support her was my goal. We kept her going for about 3 months after her diagnosis. The vet thought she likely had cancer. We had done what we could medically to see if this was reversible, but it was not. She was getting along pretty well overall at first, but then it seemed like she was suffering. It's healthy to have a spirit of life, care, and support in our interactions with living beings. There is so much death around us, killing, disrespect, selfishness when it comes to life, the inconvenience it brings to us, etc. It feels good to oppose that for the sake of life and well being for the suffering. Death is a natural part of life, as strange as that sounds to say it.
I am not supportive of assisted suicide for humans, but we would give morphine to comfort a human as they are dying. A barbiturate to put an animal to sleep is a merciful way to put a suffering animal to permanent rest. In the olden days, before they had this medicine, they would go out and shoot the animal if it was suffering. They don't have a soul, so for them it is literally the end of their lives when that time comes. For the human, their eternal destination becomes a reality at that moment. This is why it is so important to make sure a human sees a spiritual leader before dying, so they can make sure they have the opportunity to trust in Jesus Christ if they have rejected Him or were never given the opportunity to trust in Him before.
I wanted to share that good advice, as it may help some of you if and when you are put in this situation. I find it a very difficult, heart wrenching journey, and it's so important that we do the right thing and know we are doing the right thing so we can have peace about it.
It came to a point that to continue to wait was only prolonging her suffering, because at that point she looked uncomfortable, like she didn't feel well pretty consistently, was throwing up blood, was incontinent, not able to clean herself, and not finding much pleasure in eating. She hunched her body in a way that made me think she did not feel well.
After three months of trying everything, medicine for her stomach, anti-nausea meds, steroids, giving her baby food, real food such as canned tuna and canned white meat chicken, grilled real chicken, every kind of cat food (even the expensive wet food), finding her favorites and buying those, softening her dry food with water, changing her dry food to a different flavor, giving her hard treats, filled treats, and soft treats, she was eating very little and has lost almost all her body fat. She liked the filled treats "Temptations" the best, but had trouble eating any of them, as she had no teeth anymore but used to be able to swallow food whole. She became light as a feather, bony, and her fur coat looked like it was too big on her.
Maybe we waited too long, but she was still finding pleasure in being rubbed down by a freeze pop (still in the wrapper of course!), enjoyed listening to music with me (of my singing; she was my biggest fan!), looking out the window, snuggling with us, and at times eating, so we kept things going. She really loved my daughter (and vice versa), so wanted to give them as much time together as possible before she had to go back to college. We didn't want Mandy to experience that loss of seeing Rebecca go, either, and it was important that Rebecca was there to say those last good-byes to our cat and support her in her final hours.
It was a beautiful day, and we loved her, pet her, snuggled with her, and she was very affectionate. I again tried to feed her, but she was refusing everything. We put her in the cat carrier and brought her to the humane society. The sun shone through the window and she seemed to enjoy looking out the window and feeling the warmth of the sun. We put in my oldest CD, which she knew very well from hours of me playing it, and it was appropriately entitled, "Beauty in Pain." My daughter sat next to her and spoke softly to her, which also seemed to comfort her. She meowed a little. We got to the Humane Society and said our final good byes, walking away and sobbing at times. After a few minutes, she was brought back to us in her carrier. We brought her home and buried her, and had a funeral service for her. My garden was not well kept this year, but we were able to pick enough beautiful flowers to support three small bouquets for my husband, daughter and myself. We said some kind words, and then put them on her grave site. I still watch vigil over her grave to make sure no animals dig her up. It comforts me to know she is still on our property. She was such a blessing to our lives, and we thank God for her.
God used many animals in Scripture. Some examples are: Jesus used a donkey to ride on, a donkey to speak to a prophet, a large fish to swallow Jonah, a dove to communicate to Noah whether or not land was found, and He will ride a horse during the Battle of Armageddon. He used pigs to dispose of some demons, a rooster to alert Peter's denials, lions to destroy Daniel's enemies, and a raven to feed Elijah.
If you own an animal or animals, I hope you are a wise steward and a loving caretaker of these precious little beings put in your care. I believe that people who abuse animals are acting in an evil way, and will be judged by God for it as an evildoer. Show kindness to all of God's creatures, especially to humans, and give them your utmost respect and care as you value life and honor the Giver of Life.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Thoughts on Church and Worship

Wednesday, August 24, 2016
The Solution for America
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Gender Dysphoria in Children
Monday, August 22, 2016
Are You Ready for School?

Sunday, August 21, 2016
New website
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Saturday, August 13, 2016
My NYC trip experience
Here we are on the train, enjoying the express ride to NYC, which was still about an hour and a half ride by train. The kids had their cameras and phones to keep them busy. My husband and I did some crossword puzzles in an "old fashioned" book with an actual pen, not a stylus! ha ha!
Here we are as enter Grand Central Station at around 11 am. There are people everywhere. I still am amazed every time I come here, at how beautiful the architecture is, as well as so many old buildings in NYC. People used to take such craftsmanship and artistic style with anything that was built, with so much detail. I love it!
My Cinematic Arts daughter Rebecca is behind me. She was on a mission that day to get some great photographs and video. I can't wait to see her movie when it's done!
This is Park Ave. looking back at Grand Central Station. It's so beautiful!
There are a lot of fountains around NYC. In all the concrete, there were still some trees here and there, including on some roof tops. It's just amazing how many buildings and businesses there are in NYC.
Amazing how small Grand Central Station looks with all the tall buildings around it.
Lots of awnings and cute little "Mom and Pop" shops around NYC, such as this bake shop with lots of cupcakes in the window. My daughter was out to find a cute coffee shop.
Ooh! A Baptist Church in NYC - I was happy to see that!
First stop: lunch at Tasty Cafe. They had GREAT sandwiches! I had tuna...
...and my husband had chicken parmesan. It was one of his favorite parts of the day!
After lunch we started walking down the sidewalk and came across this American Academy of Dramatic Arts. There are many famous actors and actresses who went through this school, new and old, including Danny Devito.
On the walls there are many framed pictures of famous people who graduated from this school. We knew a lot of them from TV.
We loved seeing all the restaurants and coffee shops. Rebecca and I did the "unpardonable sin", buying a coolatta from Dunkin Donuts. Amanda was going to find a drink at an authentic NYC coffee shop.
There we go - Amanda found one!
This place had style; it looked like a great hang out for college students wanting to have a treat while they study.
Le Trapeze is an old NYC swingers club which has been permanently closed. I hear it was once a famous club. NYC has its share of immorality, but that wasn't the feel of NYC on the day we were there. It had a friendlier, family feeling.
Rocco Steakhouse's menu that was posted outside looked very expensive. As I looked back at it, I noticed the buildings in the background, which looked really cool, the way they looked "stacked" next to each other.
Here we are at Madison Square Park. It was a pretty park with a playground and little water park area. Again, a nice, family friendly feeling this day in NYC.
An authentic NYC pigeon!
Interesting artwork! There's a lot of culture and artwork throughout NYC. I really enjoyed it.
There were benches around and seating with tables near this concession stand. There were lights in the trees above the tables that must look really pretty at night!
Can you see the lights?
This is the famous flatiron building. It comes to a "point" here at the intersection, and the building widens as it follows along the two roads. From the top it looks like an iron!
Some authentic NYC music. He wouldn't likely get on America's Got Talent, but he was singing his heart out! There was a talented man singing and playing his guitar in one of the subways as well, which was really special.
That's the Empire State building in the distance. This crossroad is where Broadway and 5th Ave. intersect. When going down the highway and looking over at NYC or seeing it from an airplane, it looks so crowded, but it's interesting when you are walking down the streets how there is so much personality and space in between building after's amazing how much is there!
This is just one example of the beautiful buildings and shops. We went in some stores, including Kate Spade, which made Amanda very happy! We also went into an art gallery that was free and open to the public. It was quite an experience to see the perspectives of the artists as they drew or painted the world around them.
Washington Square Park - this was also a beautiful park, and was fun to get a little wet.
There were also some guys providing some authentic NYC entertainment!
There were also playgrounds interspersed around, as well as basketball courts.
And what is more welcoming than an ice cream truck?
We jumped on the subway and went from Greenwich Village down to Trebeca. We got to see the World Trade Center memorials at Ground Zero.
I believe this tall building is the new World Trade Center.
It was sad looking at all the names carved into these memorials. Very sad, and hard to believe that the Twin Towers once stood here. There was another one on the other side of the museum where the other tower once stood. Hard to believe that occurred 15 years ago.
This appeared to be the new World Trade Center building. We saw another skyscraper under construction as well as some other construction in this area.
This is the Brookfield Mall, located across the street from the twin tower memorials. It was so beautiful! You can see that skyscraper going up across the way. There were wonderful views of the water in the windows behind me and on the other side of the lobby area. These balloons overhead looked like flying birds, and their wings moved.
That family in the forefront were getting ready for a surprise proposal, which we were able to witness as we were leaving after lunch! She said yes! Was so cool all the things that happened around us on that day of just walking through the city.
This was a view from the window where we ate at the food court; I had to zoom. I'm not sure if that is New Jersey, but appears to be a building for Colgate Toothpaste.
This is the view not zoomed. The Colgate building was all the way to my left.
Rebecca really loved this red balloon statue. The children loved running through the fountain...including my husband, who got his hair wet! It was so hot that this was really refreshing!
The Federal Office Building near the former Twin Towers.
I thought that really old building with the great architecture was so beautiful! It's surrounded by a lot of newer looking buildings, but none stood out to me like this old one.
This tall skyscraper was pretty cool, tho, with the mirrored windows. I can't get over how many businesses are located in this city. It's like 20 cities in one!
I don't know what this building was, but it was gorgeous!
Central Park was beautiful!
Authentic NYC rats near the garbage! There had to have been at least 20 of them!
Another great family activity - boating in a lake in Central Park. So beautiful!
Raccoons! I never saw so many! There were probably about 15 of them!
There were rats crossing the walkway, as well as these raccoons. Everyone was respectful of nature and kept a safe distance.
Isn't that a beautiful picture?
People were sitting on blankets with the beauty of the city in the background. Some people were having picnics. While there is danger and sin in this city, I admired the good and the beautiful things I was seeing throughout the day. It depends on what you focus on, and where you choose to spend your time that will determine your impression and experience. Later when we were walking through another part of the city to get back to the subway, there were some pretty scary buildings that had bars on the windows and looked like places that would house sex traffickers.
This is at the east side of Central Park as you come out of it onto 5th Ave.
Another creepy yet beautiful old building in NYC.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Some of the remnants of Greece were amazing - I couldn't believe the detail put into their artwork!
Marble head of a satyr playing the double flute, from the Roman Imperial period 1st century A.D. I thought that was an interesting one!
The next room was from I think New Zealand or New Guinea, very different artwork from the Greeks, although for some reason many of the artists have a fantasy about naked bodies! So many rated X artwork! Ugh! These looked really creepy to me; not my favorites. Some of the other rooms had beautiful furniture and dishes, so much to see, but we only saw the tip of the iceberg compared with all that was there.
That's Central Park, and we're looking Southwest.
It was like a party up there.
Looking south.
I thought the clouds looked really cool!
Literally in about 5 min. the lights came on, and it looked like twinkle lights - brought this city view to life!